Tuesday, March 27, 2012

You may have noticed...

...the little counter to the upper right on this page (above the spinning globe thing that shows where visitors are looking in from, creepy I know but also fun). Below the flag thing (also fun but less creepy). I added the counter a couple years ago and had to estimate the number of visitors to the blog, but thanks to Blogger's new tracking stats I have a much more accurate picture of the actual number... and it turns out that more than 25,000 people have visited this blog since I started it in (I think) October 2007.

Holy cow.

That's more than 5,000 people per year, checking in to see what I'm doing, writing about, musing over etc. Now, in the grand scheme of things, 5,000 people per year isn't all that many. There are blogs and sites that get that many people in a day. But still, to me it's an awful lot. It makes me re-think the seriousness of this whole little enterprise, which for the past several years has been an on-again, off-again, when-I-get-around-to-it little venture.

I'll be honest: that probably won't change much. Between my books and my teaching and (especially) grading, my reviews for PopMatters and the various other tasks I busy myself with, there are just too many demands on my time to make this the thing I jump out of bed to start my day with. But--seriously!--I am going to commit myself to some sort of more regular schedule. Say, twice a week? Okay, maybe once. I figure it's the least I can do to say "thanks" to those 25,000 people who have stopped by over the years. (Okay, doubtless fewer than 25,000, as some are repeat visitors. But you know what I mean.)

Cheers, and thanks again, and have a great afternoon.

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