Monday, February 13, 2012

My Q & A over at

I've got a lively little discussion going on over at Goodreads, where readers are asking me questions about all of my books, not to mention other people's books, the publishing industry, and topics of general interest. I don't think you have to join Goodreads in order to check out the page, you can just go to it by clicking here. However, you do need to be a member in order to ask a question or post a comment, but signing up is no big deal and takes about twenty seconds.

Of course, if you haven't joined Goodreads, you might want to consider it, and you can also do a quick search and become my friend. I'm not one to jump on every tech bandwagon that comes along, not to mention every social-networking hoo-hah, but I've been a member of Goodreads for a while now (like, a few years) and it's pretty great. It's pretty gratifying to have a site with 9 million members who are joined together by their love of reading and appreciation for books. Plus there are groups and discussions and things you can get into, which are fun.

Best of all, you get some pretty good book recommendations, not least of all from places like the Goodreads page for the always-lively Next Best Book Club...

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